Summer Update

Yikes. I haven’t posted for a long time. But, I’ve been insanely busy, so you must forgive me! You must. This summer has already flown by with crazy adventures.

First thing? I finished school, put in some last hours at work, drove to visit Kyle for a few days and then headed home to be a bridesmaid in my close friends’ wedding. Lacey and Ken are perfectly bizarre together and I’m happy I had a tiny part in how they met. Ken was a college friend and Lacey was a high school friend. When she visited me at school one year, they met and the rest is odd history.


Lacey’s sister and mom helping her get ready

ImageI brought my camera to get photos while dancing… so happy I did – tons of “gems” like this

A couple days after the wedding, my mom, aunt, cousin, and I headed off to an international vacation! It was absolutely amazing and I took over 2,000 photographs, so I’ll only share a few. I was fortunate enough to travel to Rome, Florence, Venice, Vienna, and Prague.


Who wouldn’t be excited about gelato twice a day?

ImageThis trip has solidified the fact that my mom is one of the most amazing people I know. And I know a lot of fantastic people.


This is probably one of my favorite photos from the whole vacation – in front of the John Lennon wall during our electric bike tour (such fun)!


The art we traveled the world to see.

Like I said, I have tons of photos I could share; I’m sure I’ll include more in the future. After that though, I headed out to do one of my favorite things in the world: archaeology


My muscles were extremely sore and my hands are still covered in blisters, but I love it.

So – that’s been the last weeks for me. Crazy and exciting and overwhelming – all the best things. Now I’m about to work full-time (my first day is tomorrow at 8 am! yikes!)

Hopefully I’ll be back to posting more regularly. Fingers crossed!